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Annual Department Happenings

Annual Department Happenings

The Department of Physiology & Biophysics hosts a variety of social functions throughout the calendar year. These events aim to draw together students and faculty in a more casual environment.


Beginning in 1997, the Department began sponsoring an offsite retreat for its community. This year, we will had a retreat at the Kalahari Convention Center in Sandusky, Ohio. 



Recknagel Symposium

During the first year of graduate training, students in the Department rotate in three different laboratories. The goal of these rotations is to identify a subject area of interest, and a mentor for future research. After completion of the research rotations, each student presents one of the projects to the entire department in a formal setting known as The Richard Recknagel Symposium. Professor Richard Recknagel was Chairman of Physiology from 1976 to 1986. He was an admired thinker and investigator who took a keen interest in mentoring young students and faculty. In his memory, the Department established this Symposium.


Open House

Each year, we host a day-long Open House, currently scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2019 and Saturday, June 22, 2019. Here, prospective students can learn about the educational programs available in the department, tour the CWRU campus and department laboratories, and meet faculty and current students. Click here for the next scheduled event.


Annual Departmental Picnic

Every summer, we sponsor a picnic at the Squire Valleevue Farm in Hunting Valley, Ohio, approximately 10 miles (30 minutes) east of the main university campus. It gives department members the chance to interact outside of their perspective labs and work environment. Click here to see pictures from our past picnics.


Department Holiday Party

In December, we throw an end of the year party to celebrate all the diverse holidays observed by our department members. Click here to check out some photos from past department holiday parties.