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Michael J. Decker, PhD
Associate Professor
PhD, Anatomy/Neuroscience, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
View Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Mailing Address:
Cleveland , OH 44106
Phone: 216-368-2467
Fax: 216-368-5586

Research Interests

High altitude physiology, respiratory physiology, and sleep medicine

Michael Decker, PhD is trained as both a basic and clinical systems neuroscientist with extensive experience characterizing central nervous system function in health and disease. His research interests include high altitude physiology, respiratory physiology, and sleep medicine. Prior appointments include Emory University, Department of Neurology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chronic Viral Diseases branch. During doctoral training at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, his studies integrated his longstanding interest in high-altitude physiology with systems neuroscience to define environmental modifiers of brain structure and function. From 2018-2022, he held an appointment as a Senior Research Physiologist at the Naval Medical Research Unit-Dayton. Dr. Decker is board certified in Sleep Medicine and maintains clinical licensure in respiratory therapy and nursing.

Featured Publications
  • Decker M.J., Jones K.A., Solomon I.G., Keating G.L., Rye D.B.  Postnatal Hypoxia evokes persistent changes within the male rat’s dopaminergic system. Sleep Breath. 2017 Aug 22. doi: 10.1007/s11325-017-1558-6.
    Decker, M.J., Jones, K.A., Solomon, I.G., Keating, G.L., Rye, D.B. Reduced extracellular dopamine and increased responsiveness to novelty: neurochemical and behavioral sequelae of intermittent hypoxia. SLEEP 2005;28(2): 169-176.  Accompanying Editorial SLEEP 28;2:165-167
    Decker, M.J., Hue, G.E., Caudle, W.M., Miller, G.W., Keating, G.L., Rye, D.B. Episodic neonatal hypoxia evokes executive dysfunction and regionally specific alterations in markers of dopamine signaling. Neuroscience 2003;117(2):417-425.
    Beall, C.M., Decker, M.J., Brittenham, G.M., Kushner, I., Gebremedhin, A., Strohl, K.P. An Ethiopian pattern of human adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2002  Dec 24;99(26): 17215-17218.
    Beall, C.M., Almasy, L.A., Blangero, J., Williams-Blangero, S., Brittenham, G.M., Strohl, K.P., Decker, M.J., Vargas, E., Villena, M., Soria, R., Alarcon, A.M., Gonzales, C. Percent of oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin among Bolivian Aymara at 3900-4000m.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1999;108(1): 41-51.
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