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MSMP Class Profile

Master of Science in Medical Physiology class of 2021 group photo.


Class Profile - Entering Class of 2024

  • Total Class Size: 101
  • Female: 71%     Male: 29%
  • Average Age: 25
  • Number of Undergraduate Institutions Represented: 77


Career Goals
Medicine 82%
Dentistry 10%
Physician Assistant 5%
Anesthesia Assistant 2%
Other <1%


International Student Heritage
International Student Population 10%    
Countries represented: Nigeria, Saudia Arabia, India, Canada, Ghana, China, Singapore, Cameroon, Uganda, Pakistan, Columbia, Jordan, Syria, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, France, and Lebanon


Geographic Location (U.S. Residents)
Midwest                             43%
Southeast 25%
Northeast 19%
West 8%
Southwest 5%